Just Think

Just another Idea Mapping Success Blogs site

Tag: Mind Mapping

Speaking Engagement

I will be giving a 75 minute presentation entitled “Passive to Active with Idea Mapping” on February 19th at 12:30 PM. This will be for CATCA 2015, which is the Central Alberta Teacher’s Convention Association and the theme for this year’s event is “Redesign….The Future!”. I feel that speaking about the positive benefits of Idea Mapping, particularly in the educational setting will fit in nicely with this theme. Here is my synopsis: This session will examine how Idea Mapping can be used effectively in a variety of educational settings and will show how our students can take the most mundane assignments, and by using Idea Mapping, they can take ownership of the information they need to learn. We will look at how unique our brains and the associations we make are, my students work, and resources and software you can tap into.

My session link    &  Event Page

“I’m just a linear thinker”

rulerI don’t know how many times I’ve heard that when I start to explain Idea mapping to someone. When I think about something that’s very linear, a ruler or a timeline comes to mind. It’s hard to imagine that anyone could be such a linear thinker that their memories would be stored in their brains or recalled in a chronological manner. Often times our memories will be linked to one of senses, such as smell. When we catch a particular scent, such as a familiar perfume, it can trigger memories, most likely ones with the strongest emotional ties. Therefore our brains are naturally associative and when we allow ourselves to daydream and stop thinking about thinking it is amazing where our thought process goes. This is all due our incredible minds, which do not process new information, old information, memories, feelings and emotions in a linear fashion. This is why mind mapping works so well, as it closely resembles our natural thinking process.

– this is an excerpt from my article “Becoming a Mapping Mentor” in the April issue of “Using Mind Maps” magazine.

Welcome to the possibilities……

Scott Letwin Pic1Welcome to Idea Mapping Success Blogs.  My name is Scott Letwin and I have recently completed my certification as an Idea Mapping instructor. Idea Mapping is a powerful, whole-brained visual thinking tool. Idea Maps or Mind Maps are tools that help us think and remember better, creatively solve problems and take action. An Idea Map encourages creativity and flexibility. Idea Maps help you think outside the box.

Idea Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively, improves the way that you record information. It supports and enhances creative problem solving.

By using Idea Maps or Mind Maps, you can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject. You can see the way that pieces of information fit together, as well as recording the raw facts contained in normal notes. More than this, Idea Maps help you remember information, as they hold it in a format that your mind finds easy to recall and quick to review.

This is a fantastic tool for both professional and personal use. Just Think Consulting would be delighted to show you or your organization how to benefit from Idea Mapping. Just Think of the possibilities…….

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